The Phonics Mastery Guides™ Bundle

Purchase Order Form

The Phonics Mastery Guide™ Bundle

Step 1: School Purchaser Information

This information should be for the person responsible for purchase order processing. The invoice will be sent to the email address entered here. The participant’s information will be entered later. This person has school authority to commit funds for payment to Becoming a Reader.

BIlling Information
Billing contact person’s name
Billing Contact Person’s email address
Billing Contact Person’s PHone number
School or District Name
Billing address
zip code / postal code
state / Province
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

Step 2: Purchase Order Processing

We understand that each school/district may have its own purchase order processes. Please read the following section carefully and choose the options below that best describe your procedure.

Processing Information
Indicate your school/district Purchase Order status

If you selected any option except that your PO is pending, we will send an invoice to the email address provided above. If your PO is pending, please email when it is available.

Enter PO Number (If applicable)

Provide any additional information here:

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